Botanical name/nama sains:Datura metel
English name/nama inggeris:Thorn apple, angel's trumpet, devil's trumpet
Family/famili: Solanaceae
Origin/Negara asal:Asia and Africa/ Negara asia dan afrika
Plant height/ketinggian pokok: 2 meter
Leaves/daun: Almost similar to Brinjal's leave/Seperti daun terung
Flowers/ bunga:
Trumpet shape / berbentuk serombong
Colour varies from Purple, white,yellow or orange/ Warna berbeza, ungu, putih kuning atau oren
An alkaloid with anticholinergic effects that is used as a sedative and to treat nausea and to dilate the pupils in ophthalmic procedures.
Scopolamine, also known as levo-duboisine, and hyoscine, is a tropane alkaloid drug with muscarinic antagonist effects.
a poisonous crystalline alkaloid (isometric with atropine but more potent); used to treat excess motility of the gastrointestinal tract
Alkoloid’s content as reported by Brill's paper( Phillip..Journ.Sci. A-11, 1916 page 257) in percentage:-
Immature fruit wall/ Buah muda- 0.022
Mature seeds/buah tua- 0.217 to 0.589
Stems/batang-0.032 to 0.044
Leaves/daun- 0.069 to 0.406
Flowers/bunga-0.171 to 0.450
Medical use/ Kegunaan perubatan:-
Leaves is used as an anodyne or soothing and eliminating pain to treat boils, sores on the leg, hemorrhoid, rheumatism, swollen joints/Penahan sakit, sengal tulang dan sendi
The juice of the flowers may be squeezed into ears for ear-ache/perahan bunga untuk ubat telinga
Mental derangement/ubat orang gila
Fevers with catarrhal and cerebral complications/demam panas
Ring worm/kurap
Painful tumors/ketumbuhan
Inflammation of the breast/bengkak payudara
Indian use the leaves for skin complaints caused by animal parasites; cholera, hydrophobia, syphilis/Orang India guna daun untuk ubati gigitan kutu, siflis.
Malays use leaves to treat enlarged spleen and swollen testcles/Orang Melayu guna daun untuk bengkak limpa dan bengkak telur orang lelaki
Some people claims that the dried leaves smoked with tobacco to treat asthma but yet to be proven./Ada golongan mengatakan daun kering dan tembakau dibuat rokok untuk ubati lelah dan ini perlu dapat kepastian.
Landscape use/ kegunaan landskap:-
Flowering shrubs
Used by criminals
During the old days the seeds with other herbs, was used as poison in criminal act; and robbers used the smoke of burnt seed as hallucinogens to make sure that the house occupants were knocked out unconscious while they rob their homes. Pada zaman dahulu biji kecubung dicampur dengan herba lain digunakan sebagai racun dan penyamun mengunakan asap biji kecubung bagi tujuan memukau penghuni rumah yang dirompak.
Notes/catitan;- There are more articles listed at the top right column ,listed on the following headings/terdapat banyak lagi artikel disenarai di ruangan kanan/atas dibawah tajuk berikut:-
Tips on landscape.
Tips on herbal plants,
Tips on agriculture
General tips .
Reference/rujukan Gimlette, malay poisons,ed. 1929
I.H.Burkill – A Dictionary of the Economic Products of the Malay Peninsula
Gard, Bull- The Medical Book of Malayan Medicine
Gimlette, British Medical Journal May 16, 1903
Pebble wash finished floating stepping stones, gives you the feeling as though you are on an island whilst at the gazebo. Pebble wash finishes look more natural and softer compared to manmade/artificial finishes.
(Batu loncatan terapong menggunakan 'pebble wash' membuat anda terasa seolah-olah berada di atas pulau semasa duduk di atas wakaf. 'Pebble wash' adalah batu semula jadi dan ianya membuat elemen kelihatan lebih lembut dan asli.)
Long wooden seating replacing the railing makes your porch looks neater and as there are no more requirements to place other kind of seats, leaving the whole space for your children to play.
(Kerusi panjang menggantikan pagar musang membuat anjung anda kemas kerana tidak perlu meletak kerusi lain lagi, menjadikan keseluruhan kawasan lapang tempat anak anda bermain.)
Tunera was used to soften the edges of the driveway and unify the driveway and the Japanese drain. Tunera is quite a fast growing plant and constant trimming and pruning is required.
(Pokok tunera digunakan di sebahagian lorong kereta untuk melembutkan dan menyatukan elemen lorong kereta dan longkang jepun , pokok ini cepat membesar dan selalu kena gunting.)
Livistona rotundifolia was used to provide a welcoming effect to the main entrance. The palms also unify the house compound and the big trees outside the fence; otherwise it is two disparate elements. Low and gradual grass mounds make the small area appear bigger.
(Pokok serdang yang melambai digunakan untuk 'effect' selamat datang dipintu pagar utama. Ianya juga berfungsi untuk menyatu dua elemen asing yaitu pokok pokok besar di luar pagar dan halaman kediaman. Anak-anak bukit yang landai membuat kawasan kecil nampak lebih besar)
Choosing the right type and size of trees for your garden is very important as some trees can grow and become too big while others might have destructive roots. If your compound is small, then choose trees suitable to the size of your compound. In this case Bucida spp. was used, as the compound is medium size and always plant trees in pairs or a group of three trees to have the impacts unless it is a specimen planting, then you only plant a tree . Do not plant your trees in a straight line; it will become regimented and tense, the feeling you want to avoid while at home. Your house is not an office and no need to create a feeling of official and assertiveness.
(Pemilihan jenis pokok yang sesuai dengan halaman rumah anda adalah sangat penting kerana ada pokok yang boleh menjadi terlampau besar dan ada juga pokok yang akarnya boleh merosakan rumah anda. Disini pokok Bucida telah digunakan untuk halaman yang sederhana besarnya. Pokok adalah disyorkan di tanam dalam kumpulan dua atau tiga pokok untuk lebih berkesan, melainkan menanam pokok 'specimen', maka tanam satu pokok sahaja. Jangan tanam pokok berbaris macam ladang getah, ianya membuat taman anda menjadi keras dan menimbulkan rasa tegang kepada penghuni rumah. Rumah anda bukannya pejabat yang perlu menunjukkan bahawa ianya tempat rasmi dan tegas)
Flowers in your landscape will make it more interesting and colourful.
(Pokok berbunga menambah seri halaman anda)
Arranging plants of different height, shape, contrast in colours, texture and density will make your garden look better and interesting.
(Mengatur dan mengolah penanaman mengikut, saiz, bentuk, warna,'texture', kepadatan daun akan membuat halaman anda lebih menarik)
We never recommend aprons for your house, as most of the time, it will be a dust collector and unsightly. Plants of contrast in colours , density and texture will make the area pleasant to the eyes. Plants like Crossandra infundibuliformis will flower freely all year round even though the area is lack of sunlight. Rhapis excelsa and Yucca gloriosa was used to hug and compliment the wooden column.
(Kami selalu menasihatkan tuan rumah agar tidak membina kakilima disekeliling rumah kerana ianya akan jadi tempat debu singgah dan buat rumah anda menjadi keras. Penanaman pokok renik seperti Crossandra infundibuliformis yang berbunga sepanjang tahun dan pokok ini tidak perlu banyak cahaya matahari. Pokok Rhapis dan yucca digunakan untuk mendakap tiang)
Japanese drain is a better choice for your home, as it is better aesthetically, no place for mosquito to breed, no rubbish will enter and clogged your drain, and your children will not fall into it. After completion, nothing will suggest that there is a drain there, you can only see natural river pebbles and you can walk on it. No more dirty drain, no more metal grating and no more weekly cleaning. Japanese drain cost more than the conventional type but it has so many advantages and the decision to pay the higher price is a matter of personal choice.
(Longkang jepun adalah satu pilihan baik untuk rumah anda kerana ianya lebih cantik, sampah tidak boleh menyumbatnya, nyamuk tidak boleh membiak, dan anak anda tidak jatuh kedalamnya. Apa yang kelihatan cuma batu sungai dipermukaan atas yang anda boleh berjalan diatasnya dan anda tidak lagi mempunyai longkang kotor, jeriji penutup longkang dan yang penting anda tidak perlu lagi mencuci longkang setiap hujung minggu. Longkang jepun kosnya lebih tinggi daripada longkang biasa tetapi banyak baiknya, pokoknya terpulanglah kepada anda untuk memilih. )
Bio filter makes pool maintenance easier, clearer water and no need to change the water. The only maintenance required is to scoop out floating object daily and flush out the collected particles from the sand filter every week. Sand filter flushing /backwash is very easy, turn the handle to the indicator shows 'backwash' and after 15 minutes you can see all the dirt and particles are flushed out automatically.
(Penapis bio membuat kolam ikan anda senang diselenggara, air lebih jernih dan anda tidak perlu menukar airnya. Anda cuma perlu menyauk keluar sampah terapung dan 'flush' air kotor dari penapis pasir seminggu sekali. Pusing saja pemutar penapis anda kepada tanda 'backwash', selepas 15 minit kerja sudah selesai secara otomatik.)
Plants with large foliage will lessen the amount of dead leaves entering the pool and make pruning works very much easier and no fallen dead leaves littering your pool.
(Pokok pokok berdaun besar adalah disyorkan ditanam di sekeliling kolam anda, agar kerja mencantas dan membuang daun mati menjadi lebih senang dan kolam anda tidak kotor dan dipenuhi daun yang luruh)
Planting around pool area need a lot of planning as you need to limit the amount of sunlight reaching your pool to avoid algae, in this case we hugged the pool using instant palm trees . As most flowering plants requires a lot of sunlight therefore choosing the right shrubs and ground cover plants for such an environment is very important. Costus spicatus with its red flowers will provide colours to such environment and Oxmoxyllum with its yellow foliage are also tolerance to such environment and it can help to provide colours to the pool area.
(Pemilihan pokok untuk kolam anda sangatlah penting untuk mengelak terlalu banyak cahaya matahari masuk ke kolam anda dan menyebabkan tumbuhnya 'algae'. Pokok pokok palma besar telah di tanam di sekeliling kolam untuk mengurangkan cahaya matahari masuk ke kolam, oleh itu memilih pokok renek dan penutup bumi yang sesuai dengan suasana kurang cahaya matahari perlu penelitian. Pokok Costus spicatus dengan bunganya yang berwarna merah sangat sesuai dengan suasana seperti ini. Pokok Oxmoxyllum berdaun kuning juga sesuai dengan tempat yang mempunyai kurang cahaya matahari; oleh itu mencari pokok renek yang sesuai dengan keadaan yang kurang cahaya matahari adalah penting.)
Uncut natural limestones was used for the steps to the floating gazebo (wakaf). Natural stone will give softer effect compared to artificial material such as tiles or cut stone etc.
(Batu semula jadi tidak berpotong digunakan untuk pembenaan tangga ke wakaf. Batu asli membuat halaman anda lebih sejuk dan lembut berbanding dengan mengunakan jubin atau batu berpotong.)
Pandanus amaryfollius or 'pandan wangi' can also be planted by the side of your fish pond. Beside shiny green leaves, the root will travel into the water and help to absorb some nutrients such as nitrates. Nitrates(NO3) is the nutrients that encourages and promotes the growth of the green algae and your pond will turn green and discharge foul odour.
(Pokok pandan wangi sesuai ditanam ditepi kolam dan akarnya akan menjalar kedalam kolam dan menolong menyedut nitrates dari air kolam yang mengalakan tumbuhnya lumut terapung atau 'algae' dan membuat kolam anda berbau busuk dan berwarna hijau)
Monstera deliciosa or cheese plant loves to be by the water edge and its roots will travel into the water and help to absorb some of the nitrates generated from fish excretion, uneaten fish food, dead water fauna and plant fragments. Fish eat and excrete ammonia (NH3/NH4), bacteria in the bio filter then eat the ammonia and excretes nitrites (NO2). Nitrites is also toxic to your fish and must be removed. Other bacteria in the bio filter will consume the nitrites and excretes Nitrates (NO3). Nitrates are a fertilizer and can readily be absorbed by plant s.
(Pokok Monstera juga suka ditanam ditepi air dan akarnya yang masuk kekolam akan menyedut nitrates. Najis ikan, makanan ikan yang terlebih,bangkai hidupan air, daun dan ranting pokok akan mengeluarkan ammonia(NH3/NH4), bakteria didalam penapis bio akan menukarnya menjadi Nitrites(NO2). Nitrites adalah toksik kepada ikan dan bakteria yang lain akan menukanya pula menjadi Nitrates(NO3), Nitrates ialah baja yang boleh disedut dan digunakan untuk pokok)
Spathyphyllum species is suitable for water edge planting too, its lust green foliage gives the tropical jungle effect to your pool. Tree fern evoke the sense of tranquility and gives the effect of a jungle setting and near a waterfall. Licuala grandis with its wide leaves will help to provide sun shade and prevent sunlight from reaching pool water.
(Pokok spathyphyllum sangat sesuai untuk tanaman tepi kolam kerana daunnya yang lebar dan hijau gelap menampilkan kekayaan hutan tropika kepada kolam anda. Pokok paku gajah akan memberi rasa ketenangan seolah olah anda berada ditepi air terjun didalam hutan.)
Cissus nodosa or thousand roots plant was used to cover the pargolla and the roots which seeks the pool water will act as water filter to suck out the nitrates (NO3) from the water. Nitrates in small quantities is not toxic to your fish , but must also be removed to avoid algae growth. By covering part of the pool with pargolla, it will less en the sunlight from reaching the water, thus no algae.
(Pokok Cissus nodosa yang menurunkan beribu akar telah ditanam untuk memanjat pargola dan akarnya menjalar mencecah air dan menyeduk nitrates daripadanya. Pergola di bina untuk mengurangkan cahaya matahari sampai ke kolam dan mengurangkan 'algae')
The landscape of the above house was designed by Agrobio solutions; the pool is using bio filter and the water has not been change d after it was completed and commissioned 2 years ago; and the water is still crystal clear.
(Rekabentuk landskap untuk rumah diatas telah dilaksanakan oleh Agrobio Solutions; penapis bio telah digunakan dan airnya masih jernih walaupun tidak pernah ditukar sejak siap dibina 2 tahun lalu.)
Notes/catitan;- There are more articles listed at the top right column ,listed on the following headings/terdapat banyak lagi artikel disenarai di ruangan kanan/atas dibawah tajuk berikut:-
Nama Malaysia (Malaysianname):Melada Pahit, Embalau padang, kusum, mempahit, lada pahit
Nama Indonesia (Indonesian name):Kuwalot, malur, tambara marica
Negara asal (Origin):Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Indo China, Southern China, Taiwan, Molluccas, New Guinea and Northwestern Australia
Tinggi pokok (Tree Height):10 meter- jarang (seldom)
3 meter- biasanya (usually)
Daun (Leaves):Berbentuk telur dan tepi bergigi (Egg shape and serrate)
Bahan aktif(Active ingredient)
Brucamarin (alkaloid)
Khasiat perubatan (Medicinal value)
Darah tinggi, (High blood pressure)
Kencing manis, (Diabetes)
Prostate (prostate problem)
Ghout (Arthritis)
Bisul (carbuncle)
Ghout (Gout)
Sakit kepala (migraine)
Sakit sendi, (Joints)
Lenguh (Muscle pain)
Lelah, (asthmatic)
Resdung (sinus)
Cirit-birit. (Amoebic dysentery)
Anti- kanser (Anti-cancer)
Batu karang. (Gallstones)
Melancarkan haid (Menstruation pain- emanagong)
Jerawat (Acne)
Daun dan kapur digunakan untuk sakit kulit pada binatang (Leaves and unslaked lime as a cure for mange in animal- K.Heyne,Nutt.Plant.Ned. Ind.of 1927 page 871)
Pokok ini terkenal dikampung sebagai ubat bisul, kebanyakan orang orang pantai timur tahu bahawa orang yang bepenyakit bisul akan sembuh selepas memakan buah melada pahit.
Pada zamandahulu kaum wanita yang berpenyakit payudara bernanah (sekarang dipanggil kanser payudara) akan diberi makan buah melada pahit disebelah pagi dan malam.Zaman sekarang kebanyakkan orang telah meninggalkan terus ubat peninggalan nenek moyang kita ini.(English: Brucea javanica well known in rural areas as carbuncle medicine and it is proven very effective. Before the arrival of mo
dern medicine women with breast cancer will be asked to eat the fruits in the morning and evening to cure the disease. Sadly, nowadays the tree has been forgotten and people depend solely on modern medicine)
Bapa saya ada penyakit kencing manis dan dia makan 5 biji pagi dan malam dari pokok yang ditanam dibelakang rumah, dia tidak pernah makan ubat moden yang banyak mempunyai kesan sampingan. Bapa saya sangat aktif dan sihat dan tiada siapa tahu pun dia ada sakit kencing manis (English: My father had diabetes and he always take five fruits in the morningand evening, he never takes modern medicine and he is very active and healthy despite of his age)
Mengikut bapa saya, sebelum zaman british, dahulu tida
k ada orang kena potong kaki kerana kencing manis, mereka semua makan ubat tradisional yang tumbuh liar di kampong halaman.(English: According to my father, before the British came with modern medicine, people with diabetes andtheir leg been amputated is unheard off. They take traditional medicine from plants that grows wild in their village)
Pada tahun 1900 Dr Mouget dari Perancis telah bejaya menyembuhkan 871 dari 879 pesakit ' dysentery 'dengan mengunakan melada pahit di sebabkan orang orang cin
a mengunakannya.(English: In1900, a French doctor, Dr Mouget of Saigon had reported that he had cured 871 out of 879 cases of dysentery by using Brucea, because the Chinese used it.)
Notes/catitan;- There are more articles listed at the top right column ,listed on the following headings/terdapat banyak lagi artikel disenarai di ruangan kanan/atas dibawah tajuk berikut:-
Tips on landscape.
Tips on herbal plants,
Tips on agriculture
General tips .
Plant Resources of South East Asia No.12(1); medical and Poisonous Plants 1
I.H Burkill- aDictionary of Economic Product of The Malay Peninsula
Petunjuk (Legend):
Kolam utama (Main pool)
100mm PaipPVC dikelarkan mengunakan ‘grinder’, pasang paip supaya merakumi semua bahagian kolam, pasang cap pada hujung paip (100mm PVC Pipe perforated by slicing using grinder/cutter. spread out the pipes to cover the pool floor, fix caps at the end of all the pipes)
Masukan batu satu pertiga ketinggian kolam (Fill up one third of pool with gravel)
Kolam untuk pam dan pokok air. Buat sangkar untuk pam untuk hindar dari tersumbat(Pool to place pump and flooting water plant- cage must be provided for submersible pump to avoid chocking)
Pam rendam diletakan didalam sangkar untuk mengelak bahagian pokok yang belum hancur membuat pam tersumbat- (guna ELCB 30 milli amp) (Submersible pump in a cage to avoid big plant fragment clogging the pump- use 30 milli amp ELCB)
Penapis pasir kena flush setiap minggu (Sand filter must be flushed weekly)
Pokok air, penuhkan (Floating water plant- cover all suface with it)
Air yang sudah ditapis masuk semula ke kolam utama (Filtered water return to main pool)
Gambar diatas ialah contoh 'sand filter' yang terdapat dipasaran (Above image is an example of sand filter available in the market
Ini adalah penapis paling sesuai untuk kolam ikan anda (this is one of the most suitable filteration system for your fish pond)
Air tidak perlu di tukar (No need to change pool water)
‘Flushing’ hanya perlu di buat seminggu sekali dengan pusing pemutar (Just weekly flushing by turning the handle)
Bagaimana penapis bio anda berfungsi (How your bio pond filter function):
Penapis Bio adalah penapis paling berkesan untuk buang toksin dari kolam ikan anda(Biological filter is the most effective method of removing toxins)
Bahagian pokok mati termasuk daun, bangkai hidupan air,najis ikan dan baki makanan ikan akan dimamah bakteri/kulat dan akan menukarnya menjadi Ammonia NH3/NH4 (Plant fragments, dead water creature, waste from fish and uneaten fish food will decompose by fungi and bacteria and convert to Ammonia NH3/NH4)
Batu di dalam kolam akan menyediakan persekitaran untuk bakteria dan kulat untuk membiak dan menukar Ammonia menjadi Nitrites NO2 dan kemudian kepada Nitrates NO3 yang boleh digunakan oleh pokok air (Gravel in the pool will create anaerobic condition and will house anaerobic denitrifying bacteria that will convert Ammonia into Nitrites (NO2) and then into Nitrates(NO3) which will be available and absorb by water plants)
Pam akan mengepam air ke penapis pasir yang akan menapis kotoran didalam air (Submersible pump, pumps water to sand filter to filter particles in the water)
Air bersih akan dimasukkan semula kedalam kolam utama. ( Filtered water then return to main pool)
There are more articles listed at the top right column ,listed on the following headings/terdapat banyak lagi artikel disenarai di ruangan kanan/atas dibawah tajuk berikut:-
Tips on landscape. -There are 3 more articles on bio filter on this blog.
Orang jawa makan pucuk sebagai perasa makanan (Indonesian javanese people eat the young shoot.)
Perubatan (Medicinal uses)
Jamu tradisional (Tonic/traditional medicine)
Gastrik (Biliousness-gastric distress caused by a disorder of the liver or gall bladder)
Menambah darah-Kurang darah dikalangan wanita yang menyebabkan haid tidak menentu (chlorosis-iron deficiency anemia in young women; characterized by weakness and menstrual disturbances and a green color to the skin)
Kaki bengkak selepas bersalin (afterbirth medicine)
Membersihkan darah (Blood clensing)
Kembung (Colic)
Menambah nafsu makan (Increase appetite)
Gatal gatal (Itchiness)
Batuk (cough)
Kejang (Cramp)
Anti – kanser (The bioactive sesquiterpenoid zerumbone (2,6,9 humulatriene-8-one) has anticancer properties.This plant may be effective as an anti-cancer agent)
Melambatkan kesan HIV(HIV-inhibitory.)
Ubat Cacing (Vermifuge)
Sesak nafas (asthmatic)
LemahUrat saraf (For weak nervous system)
Anti bengkak (anti- inflammatory)
Panaskan badan (Rheumatic)
Notes/catitan;- There are more articles listed at the top right column ,listed on the following headings/terdapat banyak lagi artikel disenarai di ruangan kanan/atas dibawah tajuk berikut:-
Tips on landscape.
Tips on herbal plants,
Tips on agriculture
General tips .
Rujukan (reference)
Science link Japan
I.H Burkill- Economic product Of The Malay Peninsula
Science Direct
Ismail Saidin –Sayuran Tradisional Ulam dan Penyedap rasa
Ir Fauziah Muhlisah- temu-temuan dan Empon-empon Budi daya dan manfaatnya.
Negara asal (Origin) :Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Philippines, molucas, Amboina and New Guinea
Ketinggian pokok (Plant height) : 1 meter
Rasa sangat pahit {Pungent and biter tasting)
Pedas (Hot)
Panas (Warming)
Beraroma (slightly aromatic)
Isi Berwarna puteh
Bunga (Flower)
Bunga berwarna kuning diselubungi dengan dedaun berwarna hijau kemerahan.The fragrant (yellow flowers with red and green bracts).
Wangi (fragrant)
Kegunaan ( Uses)
Makanan (Food)
Di Indonesia rizomnya digunakan sebagai rempah masakan ( In Indonesia it is used as culinary spices)
Di India rizom di buat ulam atau dibuat acar (Iin India it tends to be used fresh ormake into pickle)
Kegunaan perubatan (Medicinal uses)
Anti kanser (Anti-cancer-servix canser)
Kembung/ sakit perut (Colic)
Melancarkan perjalanan darah (Improve blood circulation)
Membanyu penghadaman (An aid to digestion)
Melancarkan haid (Mentruation pain- emanagong)
Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh(Improve imunity)
Melancarkan darah(improve blood circulation)
Ubat hati (Liver Ailment)
Ubat limpa (Spleen ailment)
Seimbakan hormon (Balancing of hormone)
Digunakan dalam perubatan ayurvedic (Ayurvedic medicine)
Ubat bengkak kerana kecederaan (Anti flogistic/ anti inflammatory)
Sengal tulang (rheumatism)
Ubat gigit ular di India ( used as an antivenom in India)
Anti kuman (Anti-microbe)
Anti-kulat (Anti-fungus)
Ubat gigitan kalajengking diIndonesia
Kegunaan minyak atsiri (use of essential oil)
Minyak atsiri digunakan didalam perusahaan wangian dan sabun (The essential oil is used in perfumery and soap industry)
Untuk membuat tonik kesihatan (used in health tonics).
Pencegah seranga (Insecticide)
Membunuh jentik jentik nyamuk (Kills mosquito larvae)
Kandungan kimia (Chemical content)
Rizom (Rhizomes/Root)
Sesquiterpene ( Bahan Utama/ main chemical content)
Minyak /Oil
Curcuzerenone /zedoerene (bahan utama /main chemical content)
Curcumin (Anti-kanser/anti-cancer)
Curmenol (curcumonol)
Curdione (Anti-kanser / anti-cancer)
Notes/catitan;- There are more articles listed at the top right column ,listed on the following headings/terdapat banyak lagi artikel disenarai di ruangan kanan/atas dibawah tajuk berikut:-
Tips on landscape.
Tips on herbal plants,
Tips on agriculture
General tips .
Rujukan (reference)
Science link Japan
I.H Burkill- Economic product Of The Malay Peninsula
Science Direct
Ismail Saidin –Sayuran Tradisional Ulam dan Penyedap rasa
Ir Fauziah Muhlisah- temu-temuan dan Empon-empon Budi daya dan manfaatnya.
Susah dapat biji benih (not easy to get seed)
Mesti dapat permit dari Jabatan Pertanian untuk impot dan kena kuarantin(must get permit from agriculture Department to import and subject to quarantine)
Susah untuk bercambah (not easy to germinate)
Biji benih menghasilkan ‘stevioside’ yang tidak seimbang (seeds does not guarantee the stevioside level)
Keratan boleh diambil dari pokok yang sihat dan yang mempunyai kandungan‘stevioside’ yang tinggi (cutting can be collected from plant with high level of stevioside).
Keratan boleh disemai mengunakan coco peat atau bahan semaian yang lain,( cutting can be propagated by using coco peat or other propagation medium).
Untuk pertubuhan yang baik siram juga dengan air yang mengandungi ‘chelated iron’. ( for good propagation growth, use also water with chelated iron for watering.)
Apabila keratan menunjukan ciri ciri untuk hidup , keratan perlu dibajakan dengan baja untuk tanaman mengunakan keratan ( once the cutting shows sign of growing apply fertilizer for vegetative propagation )
24 inci ( inches)(550mm)
Tanah yang subur dan mengandungi banyak bahan organik (rich loamy soil with organic matter)
Sekiranya tanah berpasir, anda perlu tambah baja kompos aatau bahan organik (add compost to sandy soil)
Elakkan terlalu banyak air(not too much water)
Elak air bertakung (Good drainage and avoid soggy or flooding)
50% chahaya matahari(50% sunlight)
Dalam pasu ( in pots)
Hidroponik (Hydroponic)
Fertigasi (fertigation)
Jangan jemur daun stevia lebih dari 12 jam dibawah cahaya matahari, ianya akan mengurangkan kandungan stevioside (do not dry stevia leaves more than 12 hours of direct sunlight, it will affect stevioside content)
Guna pengisar kopi (Use coffee grinder)
Atau guna ‘blender’ kering (Or use dry blender)
Masukan suku cawan daun yang telah di hancurkan untuk secawan penuh air (use quarter cup of ground dried stevia leaves for full cup of water)
Keratan yang sudah disemai sedia untuk disiram dan di masukan kedalam tapak semaian.
/Propagation tray ready to be watered and transferred to nursery.
Notes/catitan;- There are more articles listed at the top right column ,listed on the following headings/terdapat banyak lagi artikel disenarai di ruangan kanan/atas dibawah tajuk berikut:-